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14/01/2017 – 12/02/2017


Tirs–fre kl. 11:00–15:00

Lør–søn kl. 11:00–16:00


14/01 kl. 13:30 – 16:00

Tema som økologi og menneskeleg atferd er gjennomgåande i Vestlandsutstillinga 2017. Utstillinga legg til rette for refleksjon kring menneskeleg interaksjon med miljøet i fortid, notid og mogeleg framtid. Kvar har mennesket gått? Kva har vi etterlatt oss?

Deltakande kunstnarar: Per Tore Barmen (H), Else Karin Tysse Bysheim (H), Susanne Steen Christensen (R), Vania Cunha (MR), Petra Dalström (H), Aud Marit Skarrebo Holmen (SF), Simone Hooymans (H), Simon Kjær (R), Kristin Kvalvik (MR), Karen Helga Maurstig (SF), Rune Werner Molnes (H), Daniel Persson (H), Kirsti Prøis (R), David A. Rios (H), Anne Helen Robbestad (R), Nina Skarsbø (H), Ingrid Toogood (R)

Where have we been? Vestlandsutstillingen is committed to the representation of artists and artworks specific to the Western region of Norway. However, the concerns and critiques presented within this exhibition are universal. Although each artwork included here is unique in its conceptual creation and subtleties, themes of ecology and human behavior run throughout the works. The artworks included in Where have we been? offer reflections on human interactions with our environment; past, present, and possible future. Where has the human gone? And what have we left behind us?

Artists: Per Tore Barmen (H), Else Karin Tysse Bysheim (H), Susanne Steen Christensen (R), Vania Cunha (MR), Petra Dalström (H), Aud Marit Skarrebo Holmen (SF), Simone Hooymans (H), Simon Kjær (R), Kristin Kvalvik (MR), Karen Helga Maurstig (SF), Rune Werner Molnes (H), Daniel Persson (H), Kirsti Prøis (R), David A. Rios (H), Anne Helen Robbestad (R), Nina Skarsbø (H), Ingrid Toogood (R)

Kunsthuset Kabuso

Hardangerfjordvegen 626