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20/01/2017 – 23/01/2017


Fre–søn kl. 12:00–16:00


20/01 kl. 19:00 – 22:00

I utstillingen Acquaintances, viser kunstneren Lucila Mayol, verk som viser til forvrenging av hukommelse.

The work deals with the distortion that memory performs in our remembrances.

A family VHS video forgotten for ages, and found in an attic.

As the processes unfold, the obsolete original format is transferred to a low quality video; then is
edited: zoomed in and out, cropped and then exported into a superior frame size from the
allowed by the raw file; finally it is projected through a mirror to achieve a bigger size that the
projector itself allows, in order to cover the full size of the gallery’s wall.

The sound was found in a sound database, searched by words related to a fragment of the original
image. It is also distorted, enlarged, affected, and the reproduced in a loud volume.

Every step and operation is made to distort the memory.

What is the mnemonic device standing for right now?

Galleri Fisk

Kong Oscars Gate 46